Brings the stack located behind the active stack to the front. Not available because there’s only one open stack. Brings the stack located behind the active stack to the front. The active stack is then put behind all open stacks—that is, it is made the bottom-most stack. Shows the scroll window if it’s hidden, or hides it if shown. Shows the message box if it’s hidden, or hides it if shown. You may type a Find command directly into the message box. Finds a string in any field of the active stack. The message box is used during this operation. After choosing this item, type the string you want to find between the quotes provided in the message box, then press Return or Enter. Takes you to the last card of the current stack. Takes you to the next card of the current stack. If you’re on the last card, you wrap to the first card. Takes you to the previous card of the current stack. If you’re on the first card, you wrap to the last card. Takes you to the first card of the current stack. Shows a dialog of recent card miniatures. Clicking a miniature takes you to that card. Takes you to the HyperCard Help stack. Note: You may need to locate the help stack the first time you choose this item. Opens the Home stack in the active stack window. Tip: Hold the shift key down while choosing this item to open Home in a new window. Steps you back through the recent cards you visited. If there were no previous cards, you go Home. Go menu Use this menu to obtain help, to go to recent cards or other cards of this stack, to find text in this stack, or to show the message box.